• icon11 Michael Onwufuju Street
  • iconGreenfields.resources@consultant.com

Opening Hours: 8 am - 5 pm Mon - Fri, 9 am - 2 pm Saturdays


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Open your eyes to new possibilities

Sometimes we need to look beyond what we believe exists and what is possible for ourselves. We can do this by allowing ourselves to open our eyes to new possibilities.

Apply to summer boarding courses scholarship programme

If you have a dream and a passion; listen to it and follow it. Whatever your background is, we encourage you to become what you want to be.

Choose the right study Destination

At the menu, under Study Destination, click and select from the list of countries and schools to begin your journey.

Understand the power of studying abroad

The benefits of studying abroad are vast! By widening your opportunities across continents, you will be able to become a better student and person in the world..

Meet more than 95 different nationalities at once

Summer Boarding Courses have been delivering premier residential English summer schools for international students

Make the most of the world around you

We live in a world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. If you can not only learn from your own culture, but others as well, you will excel even more in this international world we now live in.

Become independent

Leaving home to go and study abroad can make first-time students a little nervous. But by going abroad to learn, you will become so much more independent and learn how to do things for yourself!

Come back as a new person

Travel will make you appreciate the familiarity of home. It will restore your sense of childlike wonder for what was already there.

There are many benefits of studying abroad, which include

Increase potential jobs, Expand your network, Learn a new language, Understand a new culture, Make lifelong friends, Travel and adventure and job applications.

Choose the right study Destination

At the menu, under Study Destination, click and select from the list of countries and schools to begin your journey.